Learn how to use the input mapping resources to generate artificial intelligence annotations. Discover how to convert AI annotations into 3D features - add, edit & verify results. Find out how to implement the integration of AI-generated data into reality management hub and ensure their representation is visualized through a cloud-based infrastructure.
Key topics:
iTwin Capture Manage and Extract- create annotations, convert annotations to 3D objects, asset inventory, export results and upload them to the Orbit 3DM Cloud
Orbit 3DM Cloud – create and share publications based on AI results with internal and external guests
Concepts covered:
Create 3d objects based on AI results
Realize an asset inventory for AI results
Overlay vector data and save measurements in 3rd party formats
Manage online sharing
Create publications
Manage resources inside publications : add AI results/resources
Share publications with users
Share data or embed in a 3rd party software work via one of the available 3rd party software plug‐ins (E.G. ArcMap, ArcGIS Online, ArcPro, MicroStation, QGIS).